
For those that know me, they are aware that I am in a season of bliss right now. On December 25th, the NBA basketball season began. Oh goodness, I’m smiling as we speak. I should be, my Miami Heat won last night in triple overtime without our two stars playing. At this moment others sports are also in season, football being one of them (football doesn’t make me smile at all!!!)

There is no better time than to look at the games we love with a more critical eye. Sports Illustrated released an article this week called Role of Race in Sports. It’s an insightful look into the role of race in sports movies. While I don’t want to give the whole article away, the author critically analyzes a term he calls the “All Knowing Black Guy” in a very insightful way that will leave you pretty amazed.

At the Philosopher’s Magazine, Mike LaBrossiere in his article Athletes and God: takes a look at the phenomena of bringing God into sports. We’ve all heard athletes utter the term “thank God” at the end of a win. Mike raises some unique implications from that idea. One of them is, if God helped one athlete win then does that mean God was responsible for that other persons failure? And if God helps athletes, is that cheating? Interesting Questions.

Also check out If America was run like the NFL by Dr. Leonard at the left of black site.

And since I mentioned the NBA earlier, I have to now address the NBA lockout that caused the season to begin so late on Christmas. Dr. Leonard’s No Heir Jordan: The NBA Lockout and the end of an Era is a piece that takes a look at the lockout, the NBA’s future, and the lack of a league’s superstar.

So before you go watch that game you’ve been waiting to watch tonight, read some of these ideas. I’m sure it will help you enjoy the game a lot better. And if it doesn’t, it will at least give you something to discuss and argue about at halftime.

God, Race, and Sports