
I think this meme really describe the perceptions about and reality of philosophers. My friends really do believe that I have the best job ever. They think that my classes are filled with adult students so that means at least they listen to me.  They think my classes are just cafe style meetings where we talk about interesting ideas and everyone contributes and has so much fun. They also think that because I teach only 2 hour and half classes a day than that means I party for the rest of the day. The life is what they tell me Im living. But they do not understand that lots of prep is involved in teaching and lots of grading, meeting with students, writing, and traveling encompass my day.

On the other hand, a few of my students believe that I am trying to sell them something. Weather that is push them away from their faith, sell them on old philosophers’ ways of thinking, or as Santorum says, “indoctrinate them”. All I’m really trying to do is get them to think.

In the end, there is a part of me that believes that my words and thoughts have the power to change the world, defeat injustices and fundamentalism, and train young minds to be critical thinkers and informed citizens. But in the end, Im just talking and writing, with the hopes that It will amount to at least 10% of the above wishes.

What Philosophers Do–The Philosophers’ Response to the “What I Really Do” Meme
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