
I have a new project that I’ve started for 2015. I have been in the business of making philosophy accessible for several years. This year I want to focus on doing it in a different way that will have a reach for beyond what I can do physically. In my twenties, I co-hosted a two way talk radio program as well as hosted a talk program on public radio. It was so much fun and I learned a lot. After chatting with my bud Mike Martinez, I got the inspiration to create  a podcast. The Podcast is called UnMute because I want to provide a platform for voices and topics that have been silenced.

jason advert

Our first episode premieres today. In it, I chat with Yale University philosophy professor, Jason Stanley. We chat about satire, liberalism, public intellectualism, and why ice cube is a professor.


Go to the UnMute website for more information. I hope you get something out of it. If you do, let your friends know about it.

Introducing the UnMute Podcast