Do What scares you

I remember the first time I got up to speak in front of a big crowd. I almost peed my pants.

Getting up to speak in front of people was at first very scary for me. The second, third, and fourth time my palms became sweaty. The fifth, sixth, and seventh time my body started doing other things that I cannot mention here.

Decades later my body still communicates with me to let me know when it’s terrified. Sometimes it’s bodily, other times it’s verbal. The first day I taught my first college course, I walked through the halls of the university and screamed to myself in my mind, “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?”

But you know what? I always gave myself a second and third time. Although my hands were sweaty, I gave myself a sixth and seventh time. I never allowed fear to stop me from doing what I knew deep inside I wanted to do.

You must not allow fear to stop you from pursing what you desire. Do what scares you!

What Does Fear Do?

Fear is an interesting emotion. From an evolutionary perspective, it has aided in our survival. When we saw something threatening, it communicated to us to run for our lives. Fear only detects danger. This danger is sometimes an illusion and other times it is not.

But fear wasn’t built to handle success. It interprets success as death and destruction. And we know that is not true.

I always remind myself of this when fear attempts to convince me not to apply for this grant, to submit this article, pitch to this magazine, or accept this speaking invitation. Fear interprets bold moves and opportunities as something bad for us instead of something good for us.

Most of the great things that have happened in my life have always been preceded by fear. When I am fearful, I usually tell myself that this thing that is making my palms sweat so profusely is worth pursing.

Saddle Up!

If I gave into fear all the time, I will not be where I am today. I will not be writing this article. I will not have accomplished the stuff I have accomplished.

John Wayne once said “Courage is being scared to death…and saddling up anyway.”

During my first Live TV appearance, I was nervous. I sat in that dressing room hoping I would do well. When I came out in front of the audience a part of me was still nervous, but another part was like “Let’s Do This!” I could of refused the invitation. Stayed home and remained scared to death. But I saddled up anyway.

I still get scared when I’m about to start a new venture, speak in front of a new crowd, or share my writing. I’ve learned that fear will always remain with me because it’s a sign that I value the moment and the task enough to care about the results.

But my bold side, the ‘Lets Do This!” part, always rises up to help me keep it moving.

Butterflies, sweaty palms, weak bladders, and rapid heartbeats can be difficult to deal with. But refuse to allow fear to stand in your way. The results from not doing your passion or contributing to your dream are scarier than those flying butterflies.

Don’t let fear block you from the door of opportunity. Saddle up!

Be bold and courageous. Although fear may never go away 100%, it’s always worth going for what you want no matter how afraid you are.



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How To Tackle Fear? Do What Scares You!