
Plato was contemplating love over 2500 years ago in The Symposium and Phaedrus. Today, philosophers like Irvin Singer, Kolodny, and Alan Soble are sitting in their arm chairs still wrapping their philosophical brains around the idea. I mean, love is complex!! At times these philosophers disagree with each other on the subject but scientists don’t. On a basic level, scientists all agree about what happens in our brains when we fall in love. The video here gives a brief, yet informative description. But there are questions scientists haven’t answered like why or how love works, what should love look like outside the brain, do we have moral requirements to love, what are moral reasons to love our partial relationships more than others, and what does it mean to love. But no need to fret, fortunately, that’s what philosophers are for!!!

NOTE: The name links above are all papers written by the philosophers. To get a good look into their ideas and arguments about love, take a peak.

The Science and Philosophy Of Love
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