Free Fun-Length Articles for Research
Love, Care, and Friendship
- Solidarity Care
- On the Cultivation of Civic Friendship
- Handling Matters of Friendship
- Emotions, Motivation, and Rethinking Us and the "Other"
- Love, Anger, and Racial Justice
Regulation & Forgiveness
- Affective Stereotypes as Affective Injustice
- Gendered Failures in Extrinsic Emotional Regulation
- The Errors and Limitations of our Anger-Evaluating ways
- Forgiveness, Exemplars and the Oppressed
- Racialized Forgiveness
Anger & Revenge
- Feeling Revengeful
- The Nature and Normativity of Anger Types
- Political Anger
- The Interplay between Resentment, Motivation, and Performance
- Anger: Embracing the Medusa Trope as a Form of Resistance
- On James Baldwin and Black Rage
Africana & Social Philosophy
- The Color and Content of Their Fears: A Brief Analysis of Police Brutality
- Value-Based Protest Slogans: An Argument for Reorientation
- State Racism, State Violence, and Vulnerable Solidarity
- Charles Mills, James Baldwin and White Ignorance
- Afro-American Revolutionary Christianity
- In Defense of Anti-Racist Training
Essays for the General Public
Emotions and Ethics
- Anger Can Build a Better World
- More Important Things: Forum on Anger
- Why We Fight
- Black Feminism is for Everyone
- Power Scripts
- Whose Life Matters
- Why is Some People’s Political Anger Considered Real While Others’ Is Not?
- What Does it Mean to Ask Blacks to Forgive and How Should They Respond?
- Praise the Lord or Praise the Person
- Why Love is Not All We Need
- Minorities, State Violence, and the Price of Self-Respect
- Talking About Character in an Age of Respectability Politics
- What’s So Bad About Being Good
- Drug Abuse and our Biased Compassion
- The Politics of Emotional Dismissal
- Our Obsession, Love, and Need for Satan
Race, Gender, and Politics
- Like the Oscars, #PhilosophySoWhite w/ Eric Schwitzgebel
- Why Privilege is so hard to give up
- Why Do I Feel So Vulnerable: Thoughts on Police Brutality Against Black Women
- The Police and Their Masculinity Problem
- The Reason We Are Obsessed with Political Sex Scandals
- The Different Faces of Rebellion
- Twitter Trolls and the Refusal to be Silenced
- Talking About Character in an Age of Respectability Politics
- What’s So Bad About Being Good
- Drug Abuse and our Biased Compassion
- The Politics of Emotional Dismissal
- A Review of Coate’s ‘Between the World and Me’
- Why Women Are Not Taken Seriously In Sports Conversations & What We Can Do About It
- How the New Voter ID Laws are the Tonya Harding and New Orleans Saints of Politics